
人. 的地方. 繁荣.

自2017年2月起, the Strategic 4Sight (S4S) initiative – launched by the 推荐几个体彩外围app, 中部联合劝募会 and Urban League of Nebraska – has worked with hundreds of people across the region to identify the area’s most critical trends and plausible futures. 人,地方,繁荣是推荐几个体彩外围app的主题. It’s based on what’s coming, who’s coming and how we can establish ourselves as a world-class region. 这对推荐几个体彩外围app的未来意味着什么.

大奥马哈正在改变. 推荐几个体彩外围app正在老龄化,推荐几个体彩外围app的下一代更加多样化,受教育程度更高. 推荐几个体彩外围app的人才战略注重发展, retaining and attracting talent – ensuring that every resident can get their foot on a rung of the economic ladder and climb as high as their skills and ambition will take them.


Great cities have a vibe that says there’s something going on here. How can Greater Omaha be one of the most inspirational places in the world where your senses – what you see, 听到, 味觉和触觉-确认推荐几个体彩外围app的非凡属性?


Welcome to a new trajectory of growth focused on building the capacity and competitiveness of our core industries and nurturing a dynamic ecosystem of innovation and startups.
It’s 2040 and Greater Omaha has emerged as one of America’s great next-generation regions. 以文化多样性和私密性著称, 公共和民间部门对创新的承诺, 创业与卓越, 该地区是一个高增长/高科技经济体, a net importer of talent that has amassed an impressive record of “best places” accolades.

The area is known as a place that treasures each individual and businesses have the talent they need. The regional economy is robust and growing with an aggressive startup scene and a diverse collection of internationally-recognized businesses, 中小企业, and corporate headquarters – all of which recognize ethical practices as drivers of profit. All area leaders regularly collaborate and leverage technology and resources to deliver effective solutions to community challenges and opportunities, ensuring a seamless delivery system of services to those in need.

这是一个合理的、雄心勃勃的、繁荣的未来. 有效地执行战略, 推荐几个体彩外围app必须从关注人开始, building a sense of place and using targeted economic development to grow a prosperous economy that benefits all residents. The following strategic direction will set the course for success and enable us to meet whatever headwinds come our way.
合作伙伴关系 & 利用
It’s in our region’s DNA to work hard, be pioneers and help our neighbors. From homesteading to barn-raising, our history is about clearing new ground and working together.

This plan was fueled by that same spirit of partnership – the 推荐几个体彩外围app, 中部联合劝募会 and Urban League of Nebraska working together to elevate our economy, 推荐几个体彩外围app都在尽自己的一份力量.

We think of 人 的地方 繁荣 like a new era of pioneering and homesteading. 推荐几个体彩外围app需要各种各样的合作伙伴愿意与推荐几个体彩外围app共同努力, 分享推荐几个体彩外围app的愿景, to clear new ground and raise an occasional “barn” – whether it’s venture capital for start-ups or the number of internships offered to college students – to take our talent, 推荐几个体彩外围app的地区和经济更上一层楼, 确保所有人的更大繁荣.

Our history shows that when we can see a vision and work together, amazing things are possible. 下一个20年将会带来什么? 只有推荐几个体彩外围app知道答案.

第一原则是用来指导决策的. They allow innovation by leaps, an antidote to incremental progress-based-on-experience. 人 的地方 繁荣 is a bold new chapter, a significant jump. Agreeing to these first principles gives us flexibility in our tactics while ensuring we’re faithful to the vision.


基本原理:当选择追求哪些机会时, 推荐几个体彩外围app需要问, “这与推荐几个体彩外围app对员工的愿景是如何一致的, 的地方, 繁荣?“推荐几个体彩外围app可以做很多事情, but it must choose to do things that will have the most impact toward our vision.


理由是:丹佛, Nashville and other highly competitive areas have agreements that prioritize the region’s best interests over any individual agent or municipality. The principle is to grow the pie (cooperation) rather than cut the pie (competition).


Rationale: Greater Omaha’s future is dependent on working beyond silos. 人, 的地方, 繁荣 was born out of a unique partnership between the 推荐几个体彩外围app, 中部联合劝募会, 以及内布拉斯加州城市联盟. New and unconventional partnerships will be required to bring this vision to life.


Rationale: Greater Omaha’s future requires each person reaching his or her full potential. This is why we want to close the equity gap and raise the region’s standard of living. 这就是为什么推荐几个体彩外围app选择支持多元化和包容性的努力.


理由:如果推荐几个体彩外围app想要不同的结果, 推荐几个体彩外围app必须承担风险, 快速原型, 并与不同的伙伴进行新的组合. We have to be the change we want to see throughout our region and be prepared to take decisive action when an opportunity presents itself.


自2017年2月起, the Strategic 4Sight (S4S) initiative – launched by the 推荐几个体彩外围app, 中部联合劝募会 and Urban League of Nebraska – has worked with hundreds of people across the region to prioritize the trends facing our region and imagine a future vision and course of action. 查看过程.

We’ve proven that we’re a great place to live and raise a family. 推荐几个体彩外围app推荐几个体彩外围app方面获奖. 推荐几个体彩外围app曾多次出现在“最佳”榜单上. 现在推荐几个体彩外围app必须向自己证明, 然后是世界, that we have the economic vision and muscle to expand our economy in ways that result in higher wages, more sustainable economic growth and more people reaching their potential.

We believe in the power of prosperity – not under our breath but publicly and unapologetically. Paths to prosperity for all citizens allow each of us to care for the immediate needs of our families, 为推荐几个体彩外围app自己和推荐几个体彩外围app的孩子确保一个强大的未来, and engage in making Greater Omaha an even better place to live, 工作和娱乐.

This initiative was developed collaboratively and it should be shared and used in that same spirit. 这关乎该地区的潜力. 用这个愿景去激励和行动. 齐心协力,推荐几个体彩外围app将取得更大成就.